How To Deal With Distractions and Shiny Object Syndrome

July 4, 2022 | 

When it comes to productivity and focus, distractions are the enemy. We’ve all been there: you’re sitting in your office working on a project, when suddenly your attention is averted as your phone starts ringing or an email pops up on your screen. Or, you find yourself looking for something random in the room to focus on instead of working on what you should be doing. If this sounds like something you struggle with, then read on to learn how to deal with distractions and shiny object syndrome.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

What is 'shiny object' syndrome?

Shiny object syndrome is the idea that we have a natural tendency to look for a ‘shiny object’ to distract ourselves from what we should be doing. This is especially true when we are faced with something difficult or boring. The concept behind shiny object syndrome is that it's not about "what" we're doing, but the effort and time it takes to do our work. We want things done easier and faster so we can feel more productive and move on to the next task.

Why do we struggle with distractions?

Distractions are the enemy because you’re not focusing on your work. You’re focusing on something else, like an email or a ringing phone. If you constantly struggle with distractions, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate what may be causing your struggle.

You have a problem with focus. This can happen when there are too many things coming in at once. A lack of focus can also be caused by a lack of willpower or mental fortitude. 

You have an issue with time management. Your brain will tell you that now would be an ideal time to take care of personal tasks such as catching up on text messages, emails, or chat pings, which will cause your work productivity to drop drastically.

How To Deal with Distractions and Shining Object Syndrome

The first step is to recognize you have a problem. Distractions are persistent problems that can consume your productive time, decrease your productivity and affect your ability to focus. So, know that you need to do something about them if you want to increase your productivity and focus.

Once you know you have a problem, the next steps are figuring out how much it’s affecting you, and taking the necessary steps to fix it. When you feel like your mind is starting to wander, try these tips for dealing with distractions and shining object syndrome:

  1. Find the root of the problem - why are you distracted? Do some brainstorming and think about what might be causing this issue.
  2. Get a timer. Set it for about 20 minutes and when the timer goes off, take a break. Make sure you give yourself enough time to actually take a break so you can get back to work afterwards.
  3. Keep your phone on silent or in another room while trying to work. If you have any noise-making apps on your phone, turn them off too so that you won't be tempted by their sound to stop working.
  4. Block out distractions like email notifications or social media updates by setting them to go off at certain times of day so they can't distract you at your most productive times of day (this will differ for everyone).
  5. Keep your workspace clean, tidy, and clutter-free.
  6. Schedule tasks for times when you feel most productive.
  7. If technology is causing too many distractions at home or work, then unplug from technology during certain times of the day.

If you struggle with breaking bad habits like excessive browsing or checking social media accounts constantly at work, then create a distraction free zone in your office where these things won't be allowed.

Distraction is a common problem that can be overwhelming to deal with, but if you follow the above tips shared, you’ll be able to stay focused and productive.

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